Welcome the the NEW web site of the punk band "Hanky farmers" (by the way you can't view the site if you don't have "Flash 6.0" (Get it here) and now to the band news: we just found anew vocal and we are going to set of the recordings of our 1rst album till the summer, and we going to start working with our new vocal ... I hope he has a voce for punk with the new site comes new thing like new photos and possible show dates!., and the other thing like bio and shit............... we don't have any mp3's yet so don't hope to hear us before the JUNE our first show...
Ohh... ye I forgot to do a button for the Lyrics so its hear until I'm going to change the battens and add the lyrics button!! if you will like us in our first show check the show dates for more our shows.. .... sorry abut the address of my site but I don't have the money to bay [.com] or something like that ..... oh ye if you're not from Israel... well to bad for you cuz' we are!! ok that's it I will tray to update more often for you hear the news abut us [if you give a f***]
April 22, 2003
Hey there.... I just got new photos for you to see ... so see them (and puke right afterwards) thanks to Sonia for the photos and for scanning them!! and f*** the asshole that wouldn't com and photo us coz he is a fucking asshole he tolled us that he will photo us IF you give him to play on our drummer !!! can you believe it?? any way the photos are of us and the guys from our friend band "Chains of past Decisions" a hardcore band ( See the site) and there some cool photos of our friends in the "super land" in tellaviv(Israel)
April 5, 2003
hi people it just in!! our new and the first album will be called "how 'ya going to keep on the farm" I really don't know what it means !!! I just found some old poster that says that! so.... I think its ok! Cover Art
the cover art was done by Anton the bassist of Hanky Farmers (Me)
is the day of the relies of the new NOFX album "the war on erroisen" go and bay it or get it free on the internet!! but to farmer news the new vocal was pretty bad so he is gone but know we are searching for a new vocal but until we find him we going to sing !! and we sing pretty bad so if you wont get better or find a good vocal we will not be performing on the 'VadikFest" in June so.... crape..!!!if you
a good vocal and you live in
Haifa Israel) Contact me ....... we really
whine record but we
don't have the
money to do it and we can record free
crape sound so... we are going to do that
until we have the
money!! ok
that's it!!!!